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ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD Terms and Conditions of Service:

Terms and Conditions:


Please carefully read and understand all ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD Terms and Conditions prior to any service commencement. To honour our services, we have created Terms and Conditions that meet the needs and requirements of both our company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) and our clients (YOU).


Unless changed and notified in writing, the contents of this proposal replace any plans or verbal discussions. These Terms and Conditions serve as a binding agreement between the property owner, hereby identified as “client” and ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD and its owners, employees, and subcontractors, hereby identified as “company,” for the execution of services in exchange for payment for residential and/or commercial exterior cleaning or concrete services that include pressure washing, soft washing, and concrete sealing. The services that ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD provides to you are subject to the following terms, and ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD reserves the right to update the Terms and Conditions at any time without notice to you, the client. Materials, equipment, and methods may vary from plans or notes provided, but at all times will meet or exceed safety standards. Unanticipated problems such as mould, rot, or insect damage prior to work commencement are the responsibility of the property owner. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will provide the services outlined in the proposal made by the company. The client provides access to the property, power, water, and restroom facilities if required.

You can review the Terms and Conditions at any time by clicking on the Terms and Conditions link via our website footer at


Exterior Cleaning and/or Pressure Cleaning - Requirements the day of work commencement:

1. Please ensure a water tap is activated, accessible, and ready for the ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD team.
2. Please ensure any exterior surveillance cameras or door/doorbell cameras, lights, external fixtures, and external electrical fixtures are protected and securely covered.
3. Please ensure all windows and doors are secured and shut tightly.
4. Please ensure that all exterior power outlets are covered/closed.
5. We recommend (not required) that you shut off all outside electrical outlets and fixtures at your fuse box prior to arrival.
6. We recommend (not required) that you have the flyscreens removed for better access and results between screen and window, if you have heavy debris between the window and the flyscreen it will not produce the desired results without removal. We do not remove window screens unless agreed upon in the original proposal.
7. Please ensure all animals at the worksite are inside before, and during, any work that begins on your property. Remove any pet feeding or watering bowls, toys, etc. from areas surrounding your property and any areas that are being treated.
8. Please clear the work areas of all items, and remove all sensitive materials from the areas where work is to be done. This includes items such as flags, doormats, area rugs, and decor- otherwise, they risk being damaged and any repairs or replacements will be the responsibility of the client.
9. During any exterior property services, please ensure vehicles are at a minimum of 5 meters away from the garage or treatment areas as overspray will get on the vehicle. During concrete cleaning and/or sealing please ensure all vehicles are removed from the driveway or concrete areas.

10. For ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD commercial and industrial clients, all health, safety, and on-site safety equipment must be supplied by the client. The setup with a safety plan must be sent to ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD which must be compliant, current and suitable for the worksite location before any work commencement.



The client (you) agrees to allow the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) on the property for the purpose of completing the cleaning and/or concrete services requested by the client. Due to unforeseen circumstances such as bad weather, the cleaning and/or concrete sealing services may need to be moved to the next available business day, or when weather conditions permit the works to be done. The client (you) understands that the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) will do their best to accommodate a quick reschedule, but must work around other scheduled clients and weather conditions and time-sensitive projects. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD also has the permission post agreement to visit the property with little or no notice to assess service needs prior to the start date of agreed services, as well as to assess and check completion after services have been completed. The client (you) agrees to allow ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD to utilise their residential and/or commercial water source via outdoor taps, which must be active and easily accessible from the start date of service. If the property is on well/dam water, or if any work is located in an area with low water pressure, volume or restricted/inaccessible water sources, the client (you) agrees to inform the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) of any water source issues so that ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD can arrange suitable substitutes and required flow adjustments for some, or all, of the cleaning and/or concrete services. The client (you) understands and agrees that there is a fee of $100 for ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD to bring their own water to complete the cleaning and/or concrete services due to the extra required equipment and fuel costs associated with weight barriers to transport and feed the water from our tanks. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD does not require the use of the property's power as our equipment is powered by our own systems or runs on gas, excluding the power for ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD's gutter vacuuming system. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD only requires the use of the property taps for water and this is the only item handled by our professionals unless an external power outlet is required for our gutter vacuuming system. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD professionals are to inspect any tap/s prior to usage to ensure there is no damage to the area, any tap that has been used by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will also receive a post inspection. As per their (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD professionals) required training, each professional is required by company policy to take 'before' and 'after' photos. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will not be held accountable for any previous damage to/at the property, any damage will be brought to the client's (you) attention prior to the contracted work/s commencement. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will not be held accountable for any issues within, or outside, the home/property that is not related to the services they provide.


Risks and Releases of Liability Acknowledgement:

ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD technicians are well-trained and educated with the equipment that is used within the cleaning and concrete industries. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD takes extreme precautions in making sure our professionals do not cause harm to the client (you) property/investment. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD uses only the safest techniques including the use of low pressure on delicate surfaces when required. However, damage can still occur to any delicate/non-delicate surfaces due to poor maintenance, neglect of the property, and/or low-grade building materials. Routine maintenance per the manufacturer’s recommendations on the property's surfaces should be implemented by the property owners to avoid any potential defects. Prior to work commencement, any areas of concern need to be addressed by the property owner to ensure watertight seals to minimise any leakage during the cleaning process, any areas of concern must be reported to ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD - this is paramount in preventing damage from occurring. The client (you) acknowledges the risks and takes responsibility for any damage that occurs due to improper maintenance and/or disclosure.

On the date of service, the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) will visually note any pre-existing damage with a pre-assessment of the property. The ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD professionals will take photos as proof of prior damage. The property owner/client (you) will be informed of any damage prior to service and (if any) that has occurred during, or when work is completed. If the client (you) is unavailable at the time of completion, an office manager will notify the client of any damage prior to any work/s along with supporting documentation. If any new damage is found during the cleaning and/or sealing process, the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) will cease all cleaning and/or sealing efforts until the client (you) is made aware of the damage and acknowledge its existence.

The client (you) understands that the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) has set procedures that ensure that the plant life around the areas of cleaning and/or sealing works are protected to the best of their abilities, and are prepared carefully under the weather conditions of that day. The client (you) understands that there still remains a risk of plant/grass damage/loss even when all the procedures and precautions to protect against plant damage and loss have been met and/or exceeded. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will provide the best possible prevention and protection possible. The client (you) acknowledges, agrees, and understands, that the possible loss and/or damage of any grass/plant life is the client's (you) responsibility if any repairs or replacements are required. When the client (you) agrees to the plant/grass damage and loss Terms and Conditions made by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD, the client (you) therefore releases ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD from all responsibility of loss or damage caused to grass and plant life, including repair or replacement.


ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD Coating Warranty:

ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD warrants that products applied under our coating range will not contain a manufacturing defect or be improperly applied in a way that adversely affects performance leading to delamination for 12 months following the completion of installation on a sound pavement substrate. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD warrants the products were used in accordance with the published application instructions for them and that the products were installed during the shelf life set forth on the product label or container. This warranty is valid for DOMESTIC applications only.


ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD Exclusive:

ISEALCO Australia's responsibility under this warranty is limited to providing replacement materials and application for products that cleanly delaminate from the surface due to application error or manufacturing defect. Decisions regarding the extent of replacement materials needed will be determined solely by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD. This Limited Warranty covers only the portion of products that are delaminating at the time of settlement. Replacement products, along with any remaining original products, will be covered under warranty for the remainder of the original warranty period. If any delamination has occurred due to substrate failure, crack repairs, cracks, moisture or any subbase surface defect, all warranties are null and void.


ISEALCO Australia PTD LTD Claims:

If products installed by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD delaminate cleanly, you must inform ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD in writing via email at and provide proof of purchase and application date within 14 days of discovering the issue. Upon receiving proper notification, ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will promptly assess your claim and address it in accordance with the terms of this warranty. It is advisable to keep your original signed contract in case you need to make a claim. If feasible, please retain any delaminated coating pieces.


ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD Non-Assignability:

This Limited Warranty cannot be transferred or assigned by contract or by operation of law, whether directly or indirectly. Limitation of damages, mediation, jurisdiction, choice of law: This warranty specifically replaces all other warranties, whether express or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and any other obligations or liability of ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD, regardless of whether a claim against it arises from negligence, breach of warranty, or any other legal theory. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including but not limited to interior or exterior damage, slips and falls on the coating, and/or mould growth. This warranty is contingent upon regular washing of the coating with warm soapy water and a soft brush at least weekly (more frequently in extreme environments). Use of hard brushes, abrasive scrubbers, corrosive cleaning agents, harsh chemicals, or any products not specified by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will void the warranty. Please consult ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD for additional care instructions. Failure to maintain the coating properly may result in scratching, fading, and premature deterioration. Chalking and fading are not covered by this warranty due to variations in building orientation, location, colour selection, and substrate.


ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD Limited Warranty Exclusions:

ISEALCO Australia’s Limited Warranty DOES NOT cover any damage to the coatings that is a direct result of anything other than a manufacturing defect in the products applied to the surface and/or improper application, including but not limited to the following:

1. Any type of exposure of the products to damaging or corrosive substances, such as battery acid, brake fluid, solvents or corrosive and aggressive floor cleaning products. If you are wanting advice on how to clean your coating, please contact ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD for guidance.

2. The impacts of the flooring that the coating is applied to, for example: settlement, movement, cracks, defects, or other failure of the pavement, concrete, substrate, or surface over which the products were applied.

3. Visible and hidden defects in the design or suitability of the slab or surface over which the coating products were applied. This includes soft concrete and/or laitance.

4. Additional causes that exceed ‘normal’ wear and tear, such as unusual and extreme weather happenings or natural disasters. This includes, but is not limited to, windstorms, hail, excessive and persistent rain, floods, lightning, storms and earthquakes.

5. Damage caused by the impact of foreign objects, large or small, or physical damage caused by any intentional or negligent acts, accidents, misuse, dragging furniture and other objects, abuse, or the like including vandalism, tyre scuffing, wheel spinning, stationary wheel turning, landscaping, tracked equipment, and studded or traction wheels.

6. Any part of the coatings that is lifting, delaminating, peeling or cracking where moisture in the slab has been identified, or has made itself known after coating application.

7. Any coatings and coving lifting, delaminating, peeling or cracking as a result of grease from food, post mix syrups, alcohol spillages, pet food and pet food bowls, barbeque oil and grease. This also includes any contamination pick up by a vehicle whilst driving and then parked on the coating, for example - contamination on wheels due to road works or landscaping, contaminated rain or road water that drips from the vehicle onto the coating and any cleaning products such as wax, soaps and tyre shine that leak from the vehicle onto the coating.

8. Coatings and coving lifting, delaminating, peeling or cracking because of any unknown conditions or latent conditions in the slab or walls.

9. The Limited Warranty does not apply to damage caused by a hydrostatic water problem, moisture vapour permeating the concrete slab.

10. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD represents and warrants that the materials used in the installation of your project are free of defects at the time of sale. The materials have been cured and tested in accordance with the standard quality control procedures.

Tyre Resistance Note: Friction between tyres and the floor surface may cause a black mark due to carbon black residue, rubber composition, a filler in rubber tyres deposited onto the floor through mechanical action. Over time, certain types of tyres can also cause yellow to brown stains on light-coloured floor coatings due to additives used in their manufacture. The extent and likelihood of tyre staining depend on both tyre type and floor coating type. Acrylic and Polyaspartic topcoats have demonstrated good resistance to tyre stains over their service life with various tyre brands. To optimise results, it is advisable to avoid direct contact between car tyres and the floor for at least 7 days after application and limit such contact to overnight for the subsequent two weeks. For extended parking periods exceeding 4 weeks, consider placing a mat or non-rubber material in areas where tyres are likely to rest to prevent contact with the floor coating.

11. Any part of the coatings that is lifting, delaminating, peeling, failing or cracking where any repair or any concrete remedial work has been carried out on the slab as part of the application process.

12. Settlement, movement, cracks, defects, or other failure of the pavement, substrate, or surface over which the products were applied.

13. Defects in the design or suitability of the slab or surface over which the products were applied.

14. Causes beyond normal wear and tear, such as unusual weather events or natural disasters, including but not limited to, windstorms, hail, floods, hurricanes, lightning, and earthquakes.

15. Impact of foreign objects or physical damage caused by any intentional or negligent acts, accidents, misuse, dragging metal furniture, metal kickstands, abuse, or the like including vandalism, tyre scuffing, wheel spinning, dry-wheel turning, landscaping, tracked equipment, and studded or traction tires.


This Limited Warranty provided by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD may be suspended or cancelled if the structure or surface is damaged by any cause listed above as an exclusion from coverage. In no event will ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD be liable for any consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, interior and/or exterior damages, slips and falls on the coating, and/or mould growth. This warranty is conditional upon the coating being washed at least weekly in commercial environments (more often in extreme environments) or at least every 12 months in domestic residential environments (more often in extreme environments) with warm soapy (check with ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD which soaps are safe to use) water and a soft brush. The use of pressure cleaners, hard brushes, abrasive scrubbers, any class of corrosive cleaning agents, harsh chemicals, or anything other than what is specified or provided by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD, will void the warranty. Failure to maintain the coating will increase vulnerability and the likelihood of the coating scratching, fading, becoming dirty and deteriorating prematurely. Chalking and Fading is not warranted against due to variations in the orientation of the building, location, colour choice and substrate.


ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD guarantees that the products will be applied in compliance with the published application instructions and installed within the designated shelf life specified on the product label or container.

The client (you) guarantee that the substrate surface will be clear of any obstacles and prepared to undergo the application of the system coating. If it is necessary to clear or treat the surface, additional charges may be incurred at a rate determined by the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD). No provision has been included for the removal and/or reinstatement of any items, such as, but not limited to, stock, equipment, machinery, furniture, doors, etc., unless explicitly outlined in the quotation provided by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD. It is the client’s responsibility to clear all furniture and items that will prevent or disrupt coating application, including and preparation require, before our arrival.

The client is solely responsible for all choices and decisions related to the extent of preparation, colour choices, system, slip resistance, or any other aspect mentioned in your quotation. This responsibility persists regardless of any input, recommendations, or samples (colours may vary slightly from batch to batch) provided by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD.

Substrate cracks that surpass the necessary repair for epoxy coatings application are not accounted for unless expressly mentioned in our quotation. The treatment or repair of such cracks will be considered a variation and subject to additional charges.

This Limited Warranty excludes damage resulting from substrate cracks either before or after the installation of the floor coating system, stemming from ground shifts and substrate expansion/contraction. Cracking due to substrate movement is not covered by the warranty, irrespective of whether it was repaired during the initial installation. No warranty is provided for cracks or crack repair at any point in time. Any repaired areas may exhibit variations in colour and texture compared to the originally installed, unrepaired areas.

In the event of any necessary repairs, this Limited Warranty is restricted to the replacement of the failed system materials and explicitly does not cover, and is not limited to, bodily injury, loss of property use, consequential damages, and property damage resulting from such failure.

Although slip-resistant coating systems administered by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD contribute significantly to preventing slip and fall incidents, they do not guarantee complete prevention. The surface may still become slippery under specific conditions, such as exposure to wet, oily, or greasy substances. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will not be held accountable for injuries resulting from slip and fall incidents. Ensuring personal safety and the safety of guests and invitees is the responsibility of the client.


Exterior Cleaning Acknowledgement & Oxidation Complications:

The client (you) understands that any blemish, flaw, and/or any existing oxidation will be more noticeable after cleaning and/or concrete services unless stated otherwise. Vinyl/Aluminum/Plank structures that have not been maintained, or have direct sun exposure, will be susceptible to oxidation. Signs of oxidation are as follows: chalky white powder, clear coating flaking and/or removed. Please note and understand that if your property suffers from oxidation, these areas may be more noticeable after cleaning any services. When the property is covered with debris or grime, those blemishes may not stand out as much until the surface has been cleaned and/or treated. In most cases when seen, these issues are pointed out to the client (you) during our consultation inspection, or during the cleaning and/or sealing process. The client (you) understands that our ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD professionals may not find every flaw, however, they try their best to do so. The client (you) acknowledges, understands, and agrees that ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD is not responsible or liable if any flaws unseen by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD are more noticeable after the completion of services unless it is found to be of negligence of the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD). The client (you) understands that ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD may require all outside electrical outlets and fixtures to be shut off before arrival to complete washing and/or sealing services as an additional precaution. The client (you) also understands if ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD does a site unseen estimate based on provided photos and/or measurements, or the use of Google Maps software, that ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will not be able to note any flaws in exterior surfaces. If ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD does a site unseen estimate, the client (you) understands that the company is not liable for any unacknowledged flaws/damage and the company will do their best to point this out on the date of cleaning and/or sealing. The client (you) also understands that ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD's cleaning solutions are specifically designed for their cleaning services only.

Post-Cleaning Weep Holes:

The client understands that if their property is severely covered in grime that they could potentially have issues with weep holes. These holes are made by the manufacturers to allow ventilation and allow any condensation to drain out. With that said, these holes make a nice home for bugs, dirt and debris. Debris and dirt get trapped inside the holes and behind the structure. When we wash the surface, our solution pulls the dirt and debris out and sometimes leftover water and bug and dirt residue drain from these holes upon completion during the drying process. This will come off with the morning dew, garden hose or rain. It is not a stain and it is not permanent. Some weep holes can run heavy but can be easily cleaned away.


The client (you) understands that during any exterior washing service they will receive a basic window cleaning. This is different from our window cleaning service. A basic window wash will get debris off windows but you could be left with water spots. If you are looking for a squeaky-clean shine on windows, you will want to get a window cleaning service. We recommend removing your screens to allow any debris between the window and screen to be rinsed away.


ISEALCO does not remove window screens during exterior washing services. While the company has implemented procedures and processes to cover electrical outlets, we suggest the client shut off power to all exterior outlets that are not covered with exterior covers. ISEALCO will not be held liable for electrical outages caused by uncovered exterior outlets, cable boxes, utility panels etc. The client is responsible for ensuring these areas are property covered prior to cleaning. Our cleaning solution contains concentrations of Sodium Hypochlorite - a chlorinating agent containing salt which can be an electrical conductor.


Scratched Glass Waiver:
Releasing WINDOW CLEANER (ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD) from any liability on regular and heat-treated glass scratching during cleaning.


Due to the widespread problems related to poor quality regular and heat-treated glass scratching during basic window cleaning and construction window cleaning, ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD will not be liable for any scratches on any regular, tempered, or heat strengthened glass during maintenance or new construction window cleaning. It is accepted and understood by ALL parties that properly used razor blades and scrapers are standard tools and techniques for window cleaning and can safely remove limited amounts of construction debris (plaster, paint, texture, tape, stickers, etc.) from quality glass, without scratching the glass surface. Furthermore, it is accepted, that the use of razor blades and scrapers will be employed in all window cleaning and no other cleaning method will be offered by ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD to remove stubborn or construction debris from any glass surface. If the builder/customer does not choose to have a window cleaner use razor blades or scrapers, the builder/customer must cover all glass during the entire construction process, which would protect glass from any construction debris and eliminate the need for ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD to use razor blades and scrapers to clean the glass.


For defects: it is accepted and understood by all parties that microscopic fabricating debris defects are invisible to cleaners and that ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD does not offer to inspect client’s glass for microscopic defects prior to or during cleaning. 

For Time Delayed scratch growth: Due to time delayed scratch growth, fine or microscopic scratches may become visible over a 24-hour period; the client understands and agrees that ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD does not offer to inspect tempered glass for microscopic damage during cleaning. This clause is applicable to all window cleaning contracts that ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD offers and the customer agrees that they have read, accepted, understood, and agreed to this as part of our terms and conditions before any work commencement. If this clause is not acceptable, there is no contract between ISEALCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD and the builder/customer. 

Surface Cleaning:

The client (you) understands that most rust and oil stains may not fully come clean or be removed from surfaces. Concrete and brick surfaces are porous and sponge-like, therefore, these surfaces soak up liquids and contaminants after contact has been made with the surface. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD utilises proprietary industrial cleaners and degreasers to help lift heavy stains, however, we do not guarantee removal of such stains. Most oil/rust stains will leave behind a shadow after cleaning. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will not be held liable for surface etching caused by the use of industrial-strength cleaners or acids when an attempt is made to remove and/or reduce surface staining.


Exclusions & Limitations:

• The full invoice must be satisfied upon receipt of the invoice/same day service is completed. In the event the client (you) is unhappy with services as outlined, a photo of the area the client wishes to dispute must be emailed for review. We will return to the property to inspect and correct any errors with our cleaning or coating services if applicable.

• If water, soap or chemical intrusion occurs, the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) will not be held responsible and will not be responsible for any damage/s or fire. We make every effort to prevent this but due to unavoidable issues such as, but not limited to, not properly sealed and installed electrical outlets, cameras, light fixtures, power boxes, electrical devices, electrical wiring, solar panels, bad seals around walls, roof, gutters, windows and doors, cracks in walls, concrete foundations and surfaces, broken roof tiles, faulty spouting (guttering) and seals, faulty weather sealed screws (metal roofing) and any non compliant building fixtures, seals or installations.

• Notify the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) if there are any surfaces on or near the home that cannot have any form of cleaning solution on them. If ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD fails to be notified of this, ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD is not responsible for any damage and negative impacts.

• All colour charts and samples on this site and physical samples shown to the client (you) by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD are intended as a guide only. Colours for both concrete sealer and spray on concrete may vary from batch to batch. Variations in colour and shading may also occur depending on the job conditions, chosen texture and finishing practices employed by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD. The client (you) understands and acknowledges that the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) is not liable for any colour variations after application.

• ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD do not offer any warranty or guarantees on existing crack repairs and/or any issues or complications resulting from repaired and/or new cracks.

The client (you) acknowledges that prior to spray on concrete and epoxy applications, the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) will repair existing cracks if deemed necessary for decorative purposes only in order to achieve a consistent and aesthetically pleasing final result. Decorative crack repairs generally include, but is not limited to, the grinding, cutting and chasing out of any existing cracks followed by the filling of these cracks, including structural cracks. (No warranty or guarantees are offered by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD on any surface or crack repairs as all of these repairs are strictly cosmetic. Any failures and/or delamination of any surface coating applied by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD arising from a pre-existing, new or repaired crack or surface the client (you) understands and acknowledges that the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) will not be held liable or responsible for these in any way.


• ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD do not offer any warranty or guarantees on any coating failure due to substrate/structure failure, or osmotic moisture induced blistering or coating delamination/failure. The the client (you) understands and acknowledges that the company (ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD) will not be held liable or responsible for these in any way.


Content Release & Use:

The client (you) agrees to allow ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD to utilise any photos, videos, reviews, or descriptions of the property in the context of advertising unless otherwise stated by the client (you). ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will use these photos, videos, or descriptions without any compensation to the client (you). The media will be solely used for advertising and training purposes. The client (you) agrees not to seek punitive action in a civil court or law regarding the use of the above media. We will not include sensitive information such as addresses or names in order to protect privacy.

Please note: No material from this website may be copied, reproduced, distributed, modified, uploaded, transmitted, reused, re-posted, published or framed within another website.


If Any Damage Occurs:

ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will be obligated under our Terms and Conditions for any damage that was a direct result of operator error, negligence, or deliberate misconduct. Damages must be discovered and reported to ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD within 2 days of completion of service/s. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD will be allowed 30 calendar days from the date of written receipt to inspect the premises and have the sole option in repairing or contracting repair to any damages that was a result of negligence if deemed applicable. ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD is not responsible for damage to structure exterior, paint, wood, trim or windows that were previously noted as damage or found during the pre-inspection consultation.


Terms and Conditions apply to 'From' pricing shown on this website and are purely a general guide which is subject to a minimum sized area and/or quantity determined by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD. All works are quoted individually in consultation with the client (you) directly. Prices are determined and quoted based on the specific needs of each job. All quotes are subject to on-site assessment on the day of work/s commencement. All prices are subject to change on this website by ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD and can do so without notice.


Updates to Terms:

ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD reserve the right to make any changes and corrections to these terms at any time without notice.


Grievance and Complaints:

In the event of unsatisfactory service, please contact 0434 732 526 or email ISEALCO Australia PTY LTD:

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Here at ISEALCO Pakenham, we not only pride ourselves on delivering the best possible Concrete Coating Solutions at the highest quality, but also having a fully trained, insured, and educated team of professionals that are reliable, knowledgeable, and masters of their crafts. ISEALCO's goal is to meet and exceed our customer's expectations the first time, and every time thereafter.


Each of ISEALCO's technicians has been expertly trained in our safety procedures, application techniques, and product manufacturer installation standards/guidelines. This allows us to deliver our services on time, to an impeccable standard, while also ensuring the safety of your property, family, employees, and our team.



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